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If your experience of using our service has been positive, we would very much like to hear from you. Plaudits and shared experiences help our service in many ways.
  • The crew who treated you or your family member are provided details of your feedback which can help them reflect on their care of you and helps promote reassurance that the care they provide is not only the right thing from a medical perspective, but also from a personal and humanistic perspective.
  • It helps those members of our team, who work tirelessly behind the scenes to support our service, to hear from patients and their accounts of how our service was able to help patients.
  • Within our Clinical Governance processes, we continually reflect on the care we provide and the treatments and intervention we offer patients, hearing our patients’ views, whether positive or not, helps us to ensure the care we provide best meets all the needs of our patients.
  • As an independent healthcare provider registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), they are keen to hear from our patients of their experience as it helps them in assessing the quality of the care we are able to provide our patients. You can even provide your views on our care direct to the CQC.
Patient Support Feedback Form